Install the mod normally, Make sure it's named 6. You can do this easily by picking the name from the drop-down list. Install the mod normally, make sure it's named 1. Complete overhaul of the user interface and HUD in the most vanilla way possible, frees up loads of wasted space, tweaks and changes various annoying things about the games interface and adds a bunch of quality of life changes. in the folder that pops up, right click on settings.xml and click Edit with notepad++. Right click on settings.xml and click Open in Explorer. In the menu that pops up, click on the File Tree tab. In the left panel, double click on Vanilla UI Plus. This apparently causes issues with controllers, avoid this setting if you're going to use one. This step is optional if you are left handed or don't like the new keybinds this setting introduces. On the right panel, under Font Options, make sure Default Font Tweaks is selected. Select Vanilla_UI_Plus_New_Vegas_8.91.7z. BEST NEW VEGAS MODS VANILLA ARCHIVE
In Mod Organizer 2, click Install a new mod from an archive. NVSE plugin expanding upon NVSE functions, also includes a large assortment of engine bug fixes & quality of life tweaks, plus some gameplay changes which we enabled above. Go to line 71, and set uWMChanceMax=60 to uWMChanceMax=15. Go to line 70, and set uWMChanceMin=10 to uWMChanceMin=1. Go to line 69, and set uWMChancePerLevel=2 to uWMChancePerLevel=1. Go to line 68, and set bNPCWeaponMods=0 to bNPCWeaponMods=1. Go to line 49, and set bVoiceModulationFix=1 to bVoiceModulationFix=0. Go to line 44, and set bLocalizedDTDR=0 to bLocalizedDTDR=1. Under Ini Files, select nvse\plugins\jip_nvse.ini. In the menu that pops up, Click on the INI Files tab. In the left panel, double click on JIP LN NVSE Plugin. JIP LN NVSE Plugin should now be in the left panel, Tick the box next to it to enable it. You may get a little tutorial explaining how file structures work, it's worth reading. Right click JIP LN NVSE Plugin and click Install (double click works too). BEST NEW VEGAS MODS VANILLA MODS
This is where all of your mods you downloaded via Mod Manager Download will show up. Go to the right panel and click on the Downloads tab. Click Mod Manager Download under Main Files - JIP LN NVSE Plugin.
You can safely leave out the and sections if you have a less powerful PC. fBlockLoadDistance increases the view distance of object LOD. fGrassStartFadeDistance increases the view distance of grass. The fForegroundMouse tweaks disables mouse acceleration. bFull Screen=0 disables fullscreen because we're going to be using OneTweak shortly which enables borderless fullscreen. (This is completely optional and if you don't understand what I'm talking about just leave it at 2.) iNumHWThreads=2 tells the game to use 2 of your CPU threads, you can use this higher if your CPU supports more, Mine uses 8 for example. If prompted with Show Tutorial? click No. BEST NEW VEGAS MODS VANILLA PORTABLE
On the next page, select Create a portable instance. A pop-up will appear called Creating an instance. Tick Run this program as administrator under Privilege Level. Navigate to the folder you installed Mod Organizer 2 in. Keep clicking Next and then click Install and wait until it's finished. (I use C:\Games\Modding\Tools\Mod Organizer 2) DO NOT install it to the Root Fallout: New Vegas folder. Avoid installing it in the default Windows program folders as mentioned before.
Pick an installation location when prompted. Note: You should never use the download buttons on the top right part of the page, It often leads to you downloading the wrong file. BEST NEW VEGAS MODS VANILLA MANUAL
Click Manual Download on Main Files - Mod Organizer 2. Please read the Description page of every mod you download, You never know what could go wrong when installing or using the mod!.
set the Resolution to your monitors resolution (mine is 1920x1080) and Anti-Aliasing to 8 Samples (Make sure Anisotropic Filtering is set to 15 Samples for good measure)
Assuming you picked High, the Resolution and Anti-Aliasing settings will be incorrect. (I suggest picking High even if you have a good PC, the visual difference between it and Ultra is negligible at best, and I've heard reports of a 10 - 20 to even 40 FPS difference on intensive areas such as The Strip) It's always Ultra by default for me but it could be lower for you, feel free to pick different presets depending on your hardware. Click OK for both of these and navigate to OPTIONS and Video settings have been set for X quality. You will get pop-ups stating Fallout New Vegas will now detect your video hardware and set video options accordingly. Run Fallout: New Vegas via your Library OR FalloutNVLauncher.exe from the Root folder (Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas).